Data Logging : Thermoregulation

written by Unknown 11/30/2012

Today i would like to share one of my assignment on data logging..

first of all, did you know what is data logging?

In general, data logging means of all data generated by a device such as a lab instrument, or the data passing through a particular point in a networked computer system. Data logging is a common measurement application. In its most basic form, data logging is the measuring and recording of physical or electrical parameters over a period of time. The data can be temperature, strain, displacement, flow, pressure, voltage, current, resistance, power, and many other parameters. 

How data logging works?

data logger works with sensors to convert physical phenomena and stimuli into electronic signals such as voltage or current. These electronic signals are then converted or digitized into binary data. The binary data is then easily analyzed by software and stored on a PC hard drive or on other storage media such as memory cards and CDs.

In my assignment, my group tried to investigate how our body reacts when we are exposes to the extreme condition such as cold and hot to maintain our normal body temperature.
Most organisms depend on maintaining a consistent body temperature, regardless of how hot or cold the environment surrounding them is. This process can be accomplished either by changing behavior to become cooler or warmer and keep temperature levels consistent, or through internal processes of the organism. Sometimes, both behavior and internal processes of a complex organism work in concert to maintain this temperature. The ability to maintain a consistent body temperature is called thermoregulation.

Click here to view my full report on Thermoregulation Using Data Logging

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