stand for information and communication technology in education.At first we
heard about it we always think just about computer right?
actually a good way to think about ICT is to consider all the users of digital technology
that already exist to help individual, businesses and organisation use
information.Moreover ICT cover any product that will store, retrieve,
manipulation, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form.
For example personal computers, digital television,email and robots.
main purpose of ICT in education means implementing of ICT equipment and tools
in teaching and learning process as a media and methodology. The purpose of ICT
in education is generally to familiarise students with the use and workings of
computers, and related social and ethical issues.
has also enabled learning through multiple intelligence as ICT has introduced
learning through simulation games; this enables active learning through all
senses. This will make learning process will become more effective and
interesting. Teaching process also will be smooth by using ICT.
0 kind-hearted people